To make this change in Jenkins:
Add Jenkins credentials (as Secret Text, like our other credentials) for each SSH in use:
the path of the SSH key file
the passphrase, if one is being used
Add environment variables to relevant agents, that refer to the SSH credentials in the same manner as the example pipelines already do with IIS and MCI passwords, eg:
for the path of the SSH key fileSSHKEYPHRASE
for the SSH ket passphrase, if used
In the JenkinsFile, add calls for
calls for:the stage titled
"Create DSParams Diff Artifact"
, where theremote download
command fetches the template DSPARAMS file from the source DataStage instanceall stages that reference
eg:Code Block withCredentials([ string(credentialsId: "${env.IISPASSWORD}", variable: 'IISPASSWORD'), string(credentialsId: "${env.MCIPASSWORD}", variable: 'MCIPASSWORD'), string(credentialsId: "${env.SSHKEYPATH}", variable: 'SSHKEYPATH'), string(credentialsId: "${env.SSHKEYPHRASE}", variable: 'SSHKEYPHRASE') ]) {