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### Syntax : unittest migrate [options] ### Description * **-specs** Path to unit test specs directory to be used as the source of the migration (required) *Required* * **-url** Base url of CP4D/CP4DaaS instance to be as the target of the migration (required) *Required* * **-user** CP4D/CP4DaaS username (required) *Required* * **-api-key** CP4D/CP4DaaS API key (required) *Required* * **-project-id** ID of the target CP4D/CP4DaaS project (required when -project is not specified) * **-project** Name of the target CP4D/CP4DaaS project (required when -project-id is not specified) * **-test-data-archive** Target test data archive containing migrated test data files *Required* |
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