MettleCI requires an Azure DevOps self-hosted agent to run your MettleCI-enabled build and deployment pipeline. This agent enables Azure DevOps pipelines to invoke the MettleCI command line on a dedicated Windows server, which is required because the DataStage compilation process (v11.7 and earlier) still requires the use of Microsoft Windows-based components.
From the User settings menu select Personal access tokens
Select New Token and enter the name of your Windows machine, select your Azure organisation, specify your token’s expiry period, and select a scope of Full access.
The only permissions you need to execute the example pipelines provided with MettleCI is Code - Read & Write.
Copy the generated token and keep it somewhere secure. You’ll need it in subsequent steps.
Navigate to your Azure DevOps Server instance in the browser on the machine you will install the agent on and click “Continue to this website”:
Click “Certificate error” in the address bar, then “View certificates”:
Select the Details tab then Copy to File…
Select the P7B certificate and check the box to Include all certificates in path
Select the path to save the certificate to
Locate the file in File Explorer, right click and select “Install Certificate”