MettleCI Compliance Rules are delivered as a zip file containing a ready-to-use Local Git repository. This means you can install and run Compliance Rules simply by unzipping the file to your DataStage Engine’s file system, without necessarily requiring a Git server to host a Remote repository. This is a good way to get started quickly with executing Compliance from within the MettleCI Workbench, allowing to you move towards using a Remote repository when you’re ready. In the meantime, the use of a Local repository imposes some limitations:
You shouldn’t use the use the Local repository as a source of Compliance Rules outside of the MettleCI Workbench context. In particular, you shouldn’t attempt to reference a Local repository in your build (CI/CD) pipeline
The use of a Local Compliance repository does not easily support the collaborative development or maintenance of Compliance rules. For that, it is recommended to use a Remote Git repository served by a Git server.
Creating you Local Repository
You can configure your local repository from your O/S command line. The example below is for UNIX-based systems:
# Start in your MettleCI home directory (default: /opt/dm/mci/) $> pwd /opt/dm/mci # SCP/FTP the compliance zip file from your download media to this directory $> ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38578 Jan 13 11:41 # Unzip it. This will create a subdirectory /opt/dm/mci/compliance. $> unzip Archive: creating: compliance/ inflating: compliance/One Dataflow.sjb.grm inflating: compliance/rules.cfg inflating: compliance/Link Sort.pjb.grm inflating: compliance/Range Lookup.pjb.grm creating: compliance/.git/ # etc. $> ls -l compliance/ total 128 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user dstage 1478 Jan 8 15:59 Adjacent Transformers.pjb.grm -rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user dstage 3246 Jan 8 15:59 CCMigrateTool Stages.pjb.grm -rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user dstage 2227 Jan 8 15:59 CCMigrateTool Stages.sjb.grm # etc. # The compliance directory is a local Git repository of default Compliance Rules $> cd compliance $> git status # On branch master # # Initial commit # # Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) # # Adjacent Transformers.pjb.grm # CCMigrateTool Stages.pjb.grm # CCMigrateTool Stages.sjb.grm # etc. # You're ready to go! Next steps are: # 1. Configure your MettleCI Workbench project(s) to use your Local Repository # 2. Begin modifying your Compliance repository to meet your team's needs.
Configuring MettleCI Workbench to use your Local Repository
To set MettleCI to use a local Compliance repository for your DataStage project you just need to point Workbench to the appropriate repository directory. Under your user icon (top right) in Workbench select Manage Projects , edit the settings of the relevant project and for Compliance Repository set the URL field to an appropriate value following the examples below:
In all cases leave the Branch field as master
and the Path field empty.
See also
To migrate your Local Git repository to a shared Remote Git repository see these instructions.