On occasion you may be required to record your DataStage password in a script or configuration file, such as the MettleCI Workbench configuration file), so that a process can authenticate against a DataStage engine on your behalf. To secure the password you can use the standard encrypt command available with DataStage to encrypt your DataStage password and then replace the password in config.yml with the encrypted value:

   installDir: /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine
   domain: test1-svcs.datamigrators.io:59445
   username: isadmin
   password: "{iisenc}CZtAigziyHMBboEzHUVZoA=="


This use of encrypted values in config.yml is available in MettleCI Workbench version 937 or greater, and is only compatible with DataStage version v11.x or greater.

Creating an encrypted password (Unix)

Navigate to your ASBNode or ASBServer DataStage directory on your DataStage Engine tier. This is usually in /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin/ or /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin/. Search for the script encrypt.sh and use it to encrypt a password which you enter at the console. The encrypted password will be written to stdout (the console, if you haven't redirected it).

$> cd /opt/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin/ 
#$> ./encrypt.sh MYPASSWORD

When using the encrypted value in a file ensure you include the {iisenc} part at the start and the == at the end.

See also