MettleCI APIs can be used to perform some DataStage administration tasks that CI/CD process can leverage:

  • Create DataStage Project
  • Delete DataStage Project
  • Clean up - delete multiple projects based on regular a regular expression

Configuration Steps

  1. Navigate to the Tasks configuration tab for the job (this will be the default job if creating a new plan).
  2. Click the name of an existing DataStage Admin task, or click Add Task and then search 'DataStage' to easily locate the DataStage Admin task type, in order to create a new task.

  3. Complete the following settings:

    Common Settings

    Task DescriptionA description of the task, which is displayed in Bamboo.
    Disable this taskCheck, or clear, to selectively run this task.
    ExecutableFrom the pulldown list, choose a 'Datastage Capability'
    DomainEnter the Domain of the Datastage instance (Host Name of the Services Tier)
    ServerEnter the Server of the Datastage instance (Host Name of the Engine Tier)
    UsernameEnter the Datastage Username
    PasswordEnter the Datastage Password
    DataStage Admin Type'Create Project', 'Delete Project' or 'Cleanup Projects'.  See below for type specific settings

  4. Provide the remaining details to the Task as determined by your selected 'Datastage Admin Type'.  See the sections below for more details. 
  5. Click Save

Create Project settings

Provide the following details:

DataStage Admin TypeCreate Project
Project nameName of the DataStage project to be created
Use default project location?

If checked, project files are created in the standard path under the default Projects directory on the Engine tier.

If unchecked, enter the custom 'Project Location' below

Project LocationEnter the custom DataStage project directory
Copy roles from another project?

Check to copy roles from another project

If checked, enter a 'Roles Project name' below

Roles project nameEnter the name of the DataStage project to copy roles from

Delete Project settings

Provide the following details:

DataStage Admin TypeDelete Project
Project nameName of DataStage project to be delete

Cleanup Projects settings

Provide the following details:

DataStage Admin TypeCleanup Projects
Project pattern (regex)Search pattern for existing projects, sorted in natural order
Number of projects to retain

Number of projects to retain. Projects at the top of the sorted list are deleted first. 
For example, if the project pattern results in the following sorted project list:

  • project1
  • project2
  • project11
  • zzProject3
  • zzProject4

A setting of 3 will delete project1 and project2 resulting in 3 retained projects:

  • project11
  • zzProject3
  • zzProject4