
Which Bamboo license do I need if I want to use it with MettleCI?


Bamboo’s license scales according to the number of Remote Agents. The sole exception is the lowest Bamboo license tier, which doesn’t include any Remote Agents and also caps the number of Build Plans.
MettleCI customers need, at minimum, one Remote Agent, not because MettleCI requires Remote Agents but because the number of concurrent activities triggered by your use of MettleCI will exceed the 10-Build-Plan cap of the lowest Bamboo license tier. Any Bamboo license that includes one or more Remote Agents also allows for unlimited Build Plans.
The above is true for the situation where your Bamboo instance and its host server are dedicated to MettleCI-related work. This could even include Bamboo being hosted on the MettleCI Server (our evaluation pre-requisites diagram shows that topology). If, however, your Bamboo instance has to be on a separate, dedicated server you’ll need to buy more Remote Agents to enable remote triggering of concurrent CI- and CD-related processes on the MettleCI Server. This situation usually arises when Bamboo is being provided as a shared service among multiple technology teams and their development processes. If that’s the case at your organisation, talk to your Data Migrators representative about your particular Remote Agent scaling factors.
Bamboo is not licensed by related Git Repositories, irrespective as to the number of Repositories that might be linked to Build Plans (usually in order to trigger a continuous integration process). Agent-based metrics are the most common license factor for commercial CI / CD tools.
Check the following Web page for the latest Atlassian Bamboo license FAQ, along with up-to-date prices:

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