MettleCI logs follow the Log4J format and follow the pattern DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS [text description].

For example:

23-06-2020 15:39:55     Working Directory: /opt/dm/mci/working/thread-1/DatastageComplianceWorker
23-06-2020 15:39:55     Cloning Compliance repository...
23-06-2020 15:39:57     Connecting to DEMO1-ENGN.DATAMIGRATORS.IO/wwi_devops_develop
23-06-2020 15:40:21     Exporting DataStage assets...
23-06-2020 15:40:33      * Export 'DEMO1-ENGN.DATAMIGRATORS.IO/wwi_devops_develop/Jobs/Transform/TR_ORDERS.pjb' - COMPLETED
23-06-2020 15:40:33     Export complete
23-06-2020 15:40:33     rules configuration discovered
23-06-2020 15:40:34     new rule discovered - 'Adjacent Transformers' (PARALLEL_JOB)
23-06-2020 15:40:34     new rule discovered - 'Adjacent Transformers' (SERVER_JOB)
23-06-2020 15:40:35     new rule discovered - 'Audit Drivers' (PARALLEL_JOB)