Stage Naming

Stage Naming

Rule name

Stage Naming

Parallel Job


Server Job


Job Sequence



Stage Naming Standards for Parallel and Server Jobs and Job Sequences


Verifies that job stage names match the Data Migrators naming standards. All naming standards are based on these example asset naming standards and are expected to be customised to customer requirements.

Our naming standards are designed to reduce the amount of effort required for developers to understand what a job is doing without needing to inspect each stage on the job canvas and to quickly identify job stages from text based messages such as director errors and compliance rule failures.

In most cases, this is achieved by having a prefix that reflects the stage type. However, for stages such as joins and funnels, the stage names provide additional information which cannot be determined without inspecting the stage in question (ie. inner/left/right join).

Enforced naming standards of this nature also allows future IP to easily determine stage types based on the name without needing to refer to IGC or XMETA. Additionally, these naming standards help prevent trivial feedback from external vendors during data migration/warehouse "audits".


Ensure your Job Stages or Sequence Activities are named according to your naming standards.

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