Compliance List-Tags Command
Compliance List-Tags Command
This command analyses a specified set of Compliance Rules or Asset Queries and reports the tags defined for each. Output is available in an easy-to-read tabulated for, or as a CSV for downstream processing. When no format optin
This example shows how to list the tags of a directory of Compliance Rules in both tabulated and CSV formats:
# ####################################
# list-tags output in tabulated format
# ####################################
$> mettleci compliance list-tags -rules ~/Projects/bitbucket.org/compliance-rules -format table
MettleCI Command Line (build 174)
(C) 2018-2022 Data Migrators Pty Ltd
compliance list-tags (v2.2.x)
rules configuration discovered
included rule - 'Adjacent Transformers' (PARALLEL_JOB)
included rule - 'Adjacent Transformers' (SERVER_JOB)
... <SNIP> ...
included rule - 'Transformer With Unreferenced Stage Variable' (SERVER_JOB)
included rule - 'Unique Sort' (PARALLEL_JOB)
Rule Name Asset Type example fail-ci fail-upgrade functionality governance maintainability performance portability security testability
================================================ ========================= ======= ======= ============ ============= ========== =============== =========== =========== ======== ===========
Adjacent Transformers PARALLEL_JOB ------- ------- ------------ ------------- ---------- maintainability ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
Adjacent Transformers SERVER_JOB ------- ------- ------------ ------------- ---------- maintainability ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
Audit Annotation PARALLEL_JOB example ------- ------------ ------------- ---------- maintainability ----------- ----------- security -----------
Audit Annotation SEQUENCE_JOB example ------- ------------ ------------- ---------- maintainability ----------- ----------- security -----------
Audit Annotation SERVER_JOB example ------- ------------ ------------- ---------- maintainability ----------- ----------- security -----------
<SNIP> <SNIP> ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Transformer Uses Abort After Rows PARALLEL_JOB ------- ------- ------------ functionality ---------- --------------- ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
Transformer Uses Abort After Rows PARALLEL_SHARED_CONTAINER ------- ------- ------------ functionality ---------- --------------- ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
Transformer With Unreferenced Stage Variable PARALLEL_JOB ------- ------- ------------ functionality ---------- maintainability ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
Transformer With Unreferenced Stage Variable SERVER_JOB ------- ------- ------------ functionality ---------- maintainability ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
Unique Sort PARALLEL_JOB ------- ------- ------------ ------------- ---------- maintainability ----------- ----------- -------- -----------
# ##############################
# list-tags output in CSV format
# ##############################
$> mettleci compliance list-tags -rules ~/Projects/bitbucket.org/compliance-rules -format csv
MettleCI Command Line (build 174)
(C) 2018-2022 Data Migrators Pty Ltd
compliance list-tags (v2.2-SNAPSHOT)
rules configuration discovered
... <SNIP> ...
Rule Name,Asset Type,example,fail-ci,fail-upgrade,functionality,governance,maintainability,performance,portability,security,testability
Adjacent Transformers,PARALLEL_JOB,,,,,,maintainability,,,,
Adjacent Transformers,SERVER_JOB,,,,,,maintainability,,,,
Audit Annotation,PARALLEL_JOB,example,,,,,maintainability,,,security,
Audit Annotation,SEQUENCE_JOB,example,,,,,maintainability,,,security,
Audit Annotation,SERVER_JOB,example,,,,,maintainability,,,security,
... <SNIP> ...
Transformer With Unreferenced Stage Variable,PARALLEL_JOB,,,,functionality,,maintainability,,,,
Transformer With Unreferenced Stage Variable,SERVER_JOB,,,,functionality,,maintainability,,,,
Unique Sort,PARALLEL_JOB,,,,,,maintainability,,,,
, multiple selections available,
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