Committing DataStage Assets to Git

Committing DataStage Assets to Git

MettleCI enables you to check in changed DataStage Repository-based assets (e.g. Jobs, Parameter Sets...) to a Git repository. Git check-in can be performed either via a combination of the DataStage Classic Designer client and MettleCI Workbench or directly in MettleCI Workbench. The former option - while involving two pieces of software - is the quickest as it avoids manually filling out Job information (e.g. which Project it is part of) each time you commit a change.

Step-by-step guide

Integrate MettleCI Workbench with DataStage Designer Client

Follow the instruction in Getting Started with MettleCI Workbench to Integrate MettleCI Workbench with DataStage Client

Commit DataStage assets from the Designer Client

Once MettleCI Workbench and DataStage Client are integrated. You can start DataStage Client, and open a job.

With your job open on the DataStage canvas select the Tools → Custom → MettleCI - Commit Asset menu option.

Alternatively, you can go directly to Workbench and select your project (at the top of the screen) and selecting the Version Control men item from the sidebar, then click the [+] button on the top right hand corner to take you to the Git Commit page.

Select Work Item to associate with your commit

The form you’re presented with captures all the information necessary to perform your Commit to Git:

DataStage Project: This is a read-only value telling you which DataStage project you’re using (and consequently which Git repository you’re committing to)

Asset(s): This is where you specify the DataStage assets you’re committing. If you invoked this page from the MettleCi DataStage Designer menu item then this field will already include the Job canvas which had focus when you selected the menu item. You can add more assets by typing their name then selecting them from the 'New selection' box which appears below (Important: Don’t forget this second step!). Even though you may specify multiple assets we generally recomment making a single commit per asset, to make tracking changes to individual assets clearer.

Include Unit Tests: When selected, this checkbox will include (where available) the Unit Test Specifications and Unit Test Data for all specified DataStage Job assets in the commit.

Work Item(s): Select one or more Work Items to link associate with your commit.

Commit your work

Commit Message: Enter a short comment describing your changes.

When the form is complete click Check in.


Monitor the log 

When check-in completes, regardless of Pass or Fail, you can see the status using the VIEW LOGS link at the bottom of the page.


Commit History

You can also review the Commit History by clicking on Version Control from the Workbench sidebar. You can now see the success or failure history of each check in performed since the MettleCI Workbench service was started.

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