MettleCI DataStage Transmuters

MettleCI DataStage Transmuters

This MettleCI capability takes a specified set of input ISX files and modifies them based on instructions provided in a supplied Recipe file. This feature is available from the MettleCI command line.


From the MettleCI Command Line, run the asset-transformer transform command, supplying values for these parameters:

  • isx: path to an ISX archive or directory containing archives

  • user: DataStage user to credit changes to

  • transforms: path to a YAML-format Recipe file describing the changes to perform


Assume the following:

  • getmsg.isx contains a Parallel Routine definition containing the target filepath string we wish to replce

  • u915264 is the valid DataStage user that we wish to credit for the last save in the routine definition

  • Recipe file changeLibFileInfo.yml contains:

    - transform: SearchAndReplace xpath: /[contains(name(),'DSRoutineSDO')]/@modulePath searchString: /usr/local/dstage/[A-Za-z0-9_]/Routine/([A-Za-z0-9_]*).o replaceString: /usr/local/dstage/cplusplus/routines/$1.so


Executing the following command from a command prompt…

$> mettleci asset-transformer transform -isx C:\Users\u915264\transmuter\getmsg.isx -user u915264 -transforms changeStaticLibToDynamicLibFilename.yml

…will result in this output:

C:\Users\u915264\transmuter>mettleci asset-transformer transform -isx C:\Users\u915264\transmuter\getmsg.isx -user u915264 -transforms changeStaticLibToDynamicLibFilename.yml MettleCI Command Line (build 118) (C) 2018-2020 Data Migrators Pty Ltd ---------------------------------- ISX File: C:\Users\u915264\transmuter\getmsg.isx ---------------------------------- Applying 'SearchAndReplace' transform to asset 'getmsg' Replaced '/usr/local/dstage/TPODS/Routine/get_msg_code.o' with '/usr/local/dstage/cplusplus/routines/get_msg_code.so' C:\Users\u915264\transmuter>


  • The example uses a single ISX but any valid filepath (a directory, a wildcard expression, etc) can be used and all ISX files found that way will be processed

  • In this example the message shows the target and replacement strings. Other transforms will produce different, transform-specific output.

See also

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