Configuring MettleCI Workbench to use a Custom Port Number

Configuring MettleCI Workbench to use a Custom Port Number

Using a custom port while running the MettleCI Setup Wizard

Create a file /opt/dm/mci/setupEnv.sh containing the following line, replacing <port-number> with the alternative port you wish to use:

export JAVA_OPTS=-Ddw.server.applicationConnectors[0].port=<port-number>

Ensure this file is owned by the account you have devoted to Workbench (usually mciworkb) and has permissions 755 (-rwxr-xr-x). For example,

$> sudo chmod 755 /opt/dm/mci/setupEnv.sh $> sudo chown mciworkb /opt/dm/mci/setupEnv.sh $> ls -l /opt/dm/mci/setupEnv.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 mciworkb dstage 64 Sep 30 09:02 /opt/dm/mci/setupEnv.sh $> cat /opt/dm/mci/setupEnv.sh export JAVA_OPTS=-Ddw.server.applicationConnectors[0].port=5678 $>

Once /opt/dm/mci/setupEnv.sh has been created restart your Workbench service using the Service Manager utility on Windows, or this command on Unix:

$> sudo service dm-mettleci-workbench restart

The MettleCI Workbench Setup Wizard will now be accessible via the specified port number (5678 in the example above).

Once the MettleCI Setup Wizard is complete, delete the setupEnv.sh file and complete the steps in the following section to ensure that Workbench continues to use your preferred ports .

Changing ports after completing the MettleCI Setup wizard

You can make Workbench operate on any ports you like by updating the following section in your <METTLECI-HOME-DIRECTORY>/config.yml file. This example exposes Workbench over HTTP on port 9090:

When HTTPS has been configured, the applicationConnectors type will be HTTPS and the server section will contain additional HTTPS-specific properties. You should only update the HTTPS port property, leaving the other values unchanged.

Once you’ve made the port configuration changes, restart your Workbench service using the Service Manager utility on Windows, or this command on Unix: .

Verify Workbench is up and running on the appropriate ports for HTTP and/or HTTPS by navigating to https://<host-url>:<http-port> and http://<host-url>:<https-port> in your browser, as appropriate.

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