

GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and continuous integration, and continuous deployment pipeline features, using an open-source license, developed by GitLab Inc. That is, it is a git repository, an issue manager, and an application lifecycle manager. This is similar to Azure Devops, but dissimilar from Jenkins, which is only an application lifecycle manager.

Ways MettleCI can integrate with GitLab

GitLab as a git repository

  • Commit DataStage assets to GitLab repositories

  • Source Compliance Rules from a GitLab repository

  • Source DataStage assets during pipeline execution

GitLab as an issue management system

  • Perform a live issue lookup when prompting a user performing a Git commit

GitLab as an application lifecycle manager

You do not need to use all 3 major roles of GitLab, and which of the detailed integration steps you need to execute depends on which role(s) you are using it for.


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