Executing S2PX Analysis

Executing S2PX Analysis

S2PX is Analysis and Conversion functions are only intended for execution against ISX (for Analysis) and DSX (for Conversion) files which contain only DataStage Jobs (and associated assets) which successfully compile.

Once the MettleCI Command Line Interface and S2PX analysis plugin have been installed you can invoke the S2PX Analysis process using the MettleCI analysis command in the s2px namespace. The format of the command can be described using the help option:

$> mettleci s2px analysis help MettleCI Command Line (build 161) (C) 2018-2022 Data Migrators Pty Ltd Was passed main parameter 'help' but no main parameter was defined Usage: s2px analysis [options] Options: * -isx the ISX extract or directory of extracts to be analysed * -report output report (XLSX)

Running S2PX Analysis

The s2px analysis command generates an Excel spreadsheet - compatible with Windows and macOS versions of Excel - which will help inform your S2PX project planning. Running it is very simple:

  1. Export a ISX file of all in-scope Server assets (note that S2PX Analysis is performed using an ISX export file, but S2PX Conversion is performed against a DSX file)

  2. Run the s2px analysis command, specifying your input ISX export file and the location and name of the Excel spreadsheet to be generated:

$> mettleci s2px analysis \ -isx MyProjectExport.isx \ -report MyProjectReport.xlsx MettleCI Command Line (build 161) (C) 2018-2022 Data Migrators Pty Ltd Loading queries - support * Stage Types (SERVER_JOB) * Stage Types (SERVER_SHARED_CONTAINER) Loading queries - remediation * Active Stage Before or After Stage Routines (SERVER_JOB) * Active Stage Before or After Stage Routines (SERVER_SHARED_CONTAINER) * Char Function Call (SERVER_JOB) <SNIP> * Transformer Has Reject Links (SERVER_JOB) * Transformer Has Reject Links (SERVER_SHARED_CONTAINER) Loading queries - functions * Server Function Calls (SERVER_JOB) * Server Function Calls (SERVER_SHARED_CONTAINER) Loading queries - hashed * Hashed File Migration (SERVER_JOB) Analysing assets... * OneOfMyJobs (SERVER_JOB) * AnotherOneOfMyJobs (SERVER_JOB) * YetAnotherJob (SERVER_JOB) <SNIP> * MyFinalJob (SERVER_JOB) $>


You can now open the generated spreadsheet and analyse its contents.

Note that on macOS you can simply type open {spreadsheet} at the terminal.


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