Sample config.yml file

Sample config.yml file

Move your mouse over the code block below to reveal the copy button in the top-right corner. Copy the file and past it into your favourite text editor to use as a template for your config.yml file (described here).

# A sample S2PX config.yml file for # Data Migrators' Server-to-Parallel conversion tool # See http://s2px.mettleci.io/ # -------------------------------------------------- # This file is described here: # https://datamigrators.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/S2PX/pages/2074247196 # -------------------------------------------------- transfer: # General S2PX settings strategy: RENAME_PARALLEL_JOB # The job naming strategy: RENAME_PARALLEL_JOB or BACKUP_SERVER_JOB suffix: Px # The job name suffix to be used when generating or renaming files decomposition: bufferDirectory: /data/sv2px/tmp # S2PX conversion temporary directory mode: OPTIMIZE_RUNTIME # (OPTIONAL) OPTIMIZE_RUNTIME or MINIMIZE_JOBS hashedFiles: # Settings for database used to repalce Server Hashed File stages type: ORACLE # Type of the generated DRS Connector: DB2,ORACLE or ODBC variant: 11 # The DRS variant setting connection: MCIDEMO # The DRS connection name username: MCITESTDEV # The DRS database username (or job parameter name) password: '{iisenc}CeGmkDU7Ow=' # The DRS database password (or job parameter name) schema: myuser # (OPTIONAL) Reference tablenames with the schema (e.g. myuser.tablename) customRoutines: # Mapping Server functions to equivalent Parallel expressions mapping: AddOneToNum: '{0} + 1' # 'AddOneToNumber(myParam)' --becomes--> 'myParam + 1' GetBalanceInUSD: '{0} * 0.75' # 'GetBalanceInUSD(myParam)'' --becomes--> 'myParam * 0.75' libraries: # The libraries within which custom routines are implemented - name: mylib # The name of a library: 'mylib' path: /path/to/lib # The location of the mylib library type: SHARED_LIBRARY # The library type: SHARED_LIBRARY (.so) or OBJECT_FILE (.o) routines: # A list of the routines available within the mylib library ACustomRoutine: # A routines within the mylib library: type: STRING # The function return type externalName: a_custom_func # Name of the C/C++ function in the specified library arguments: # The parameters to the function, descrbied as name/type - name: arg1 # Parameter names and datatype. Types are CHAR, STRING, DOUBLE, type: FLOAT # FLOAT, INT, LONG, SHORT, UCHAR, UINT, ULONG or USHORT. - name: arg2 # etc. type: STRING # etc. AnotherCustomRoutine: # Another routines within the mylib library: type: STRING # The function return type externalName: another_func # Name of the C/C++ function in the specified library arguments: # The parameters to the function, described as name & type - name: arg1 # Parameter names and datatype. Types are CHAR, STRING, DOUBLE, type: CHAR # FLOAT, INT, LONG, SHORT, UCHAR, UINT, ULONG or USHORT. - name: arg2 # etc. type: INT # etc.






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