In short: No.
MettleCI comprises 3 types of components:
- A Unit Test Harness which is also deployed on your DataStage Engine tier, is called by DataStage on demand, and supports MettleCI's Unit Test and Data Interception capabilities.
- A browser-based application, called the MettleCI Workbench, which is served from a lightweight agent on your DataStage Engine tier.
- A suite of Automated Build and Deployment utilities (for which we have yet to derive a collective noun!) which provide a host of useful functionality to automated the deployment, testing, and execution of your DataStage solutions. These functions are accessed using the command line, or using one a number of from your preferred Build and Deployment tool. For Rapid DataStage Upgrades we ship Atlassian Bamboo, and provide access to our suite of components via Bamboo-plugin interfaces.
MettleCI Utilities
1 & 2: Being deployed to your DataStage Engine tier, the MettleCI Workbench application and Unit Test harness are supported on any DataStage Engine-supported platform - Linux, Unix, or Windows
3: These functions are distributed as JAR files, and as such are executable on any JVM-compatible platform, including Linux, Unix, and Windows.
The only time MettleCI needs access to a Windows environment is when the build compiling jobs, which is done by the Compile DataStage Project Command. This means your build system should employ at leat one agent/worker/whatever on a Windows host with a DataStage client installed. See the MettleCI For Rapid DataStage Upgrade - Technical Prerequisites and MettleCI For DevOps - Evaluation Technical Prerequisites for more details.