-The functions from which Transmuter Recipes are built are described below:
Transform Function | Description | Parameters |
AddJobParameter | Adds a named parameter to one or more specified jobs | parameterName: The name of the parameter to add parameterType: Any valid DataStage parameter type, such as ‘List’ List , ‘String’ String , ‘Encrypted’ Encrypted , 'Boolean ', 'Nnumber’or Number parameterDisplay: The prompt/help text to be displayed along with the value, or when collecting values parameterDefault: The default value for the parameter, which must be valid for the parameter type. If the parameter type being added is ‘List’ then there is an additional parameter which specifies of type List then the parameterList parameter must be used specify the allowable values of the list parameterList: A list of values, one per line, with a dash in front of each onepreceded by a hyphen and space, for example:
RemoveJobParameter | Removes a named parameter from one or more specified jobs | |
AppendToAttribute | Append a string value to an attribute. | |
PrependToAttribute | Prepend a string value to an attribute. | |
SearchAndReplace | Perform a regex search/replace on a text node (i.e. attribute or element with text content). If an element with child elements is provided by the xpath, the child elements will all be removed by this operation. | xpath: Path to the text node in the XML to apply search and replace searchString: Regex search string replaceString: Regex replace string
InsertElement | Adds an XML element as a child to a specified parent element. | |
InsertAttribute | Adds an attribute to an XML element. If the attribute already exists it will be overwritten. | xpath: Path to the element to add attribute to attributeName: name of the attribute to add attributeValue: value of the attribute to add
RemoveElement | Removes an XML element from the document. | |
RemoveAttribute | Removes an attribute from an existing element. | |