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Workbench is not able to start , and is found in mci.log


The default port of workbench is 8080/8081, when a conflict in port is found, . If another process is already using this port, this causes the will be thrown.


Identify the ports used, and look for other Record the port mentioned in the error entry in mci.log then identify processes that are using the same port with netstatby running netstat (on *nix systems). Example:

Code Block
sudo netstat -plten | grep 8080

( the sudo may or may not be required depending on whether your ID account can run netstat)

This will return results like

Code Block
tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      0          31457      1396/java

You can find out which process is Use the output of netstat to find more details about the process using the same port by searching the running processes via ps. Example:

Code Block
ps -ef | grep 1396

You can either change the port of the conflicted conflicting process or change the ports of workbench MettleCI Workbench to resolve the

To change the port of Workbench, refer to