A Summary of MettleCI Components

A Summary of MettleCI Components

A summary of all of the components referenced in MettleCI Topology diagrams.

DataStage Environments

MettleCI works with all standalone versions of DataStage from version 9.2* onwards. This covers …

  • non-Cloud-Pak-For-Data versions of DataStage (AKA “Standalone DataStage”) up to version 11.7.x. (often referred to as ‘standalone’ DataStage), and

  • some pre-NextGen versions (version 3.5-era) of DataStage running within an IBM Cloud Pak for Data environment.

The porting of MettleCI features to DataStage NextGen on Cloud Pak For Data is underway, in close collaboration with IBM’s DataStage development teams.

*MettleCI can also work with some versions of DataStage prior to version 9.2, but with some reduction in capability that depends on the age of your particular version.

MettleCI Workbench Service

This service provides an HTTP/S endpoint through which users access the MettleCI Workbench browser-based application. This service exchanges a unit test files with the MettleCI Unit Test Harness which can only be installed on the Engine tier. For this reason the MettleCI Workbench Service requires a shared filesystem with the MettleCI Unit Test Harness. For non-Cloud Pak instances of DataStage the easiest way of achieving this is to install the MettleCI Workbench Service on the DataStage Engine tier, co-resident with the MettleCI Unit Test Harness.

MettleCI Workbench Host

For Cloud Pak DataStage instances it is not possible to install the MettleCI Workbench Service on the DataStage Engine tier so the MettleCI Workbench Service needs to be installed on a separate, dedicated host which is configured to communicate with the Cloud Pak DataStage Conductor node, both over HTTPS and via a shared network file system.

MettleCI Command Line Interface

The MettleCI Command Line Interface (CLI) provides a suite of automation capabilities which are used by your build tool’s Agent/Runner to implement an automated Continue Integration and Deployment pipeline. It comprises a lightweight ‘Command Shell’ which provides a command line interface with no functionality, and a suite of ‘plugins’ which provide the actual commands used to build your pipeline. The example pipelines shipped with MettleCI

MettleCI Agent Host

The MettleCI Agent Host is a dedicated Microsoft Windows host running three components: A DataStage Client tier, a MettleCI CLI, and your chosen CI/CD agent/runner.

For more information on this host see The Mettle Agent Host.

Application Lifecycle Management Tools

The Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools are a classification of user-selected tools providing the following capabilities:

  • Work Item Management (WIM), such as Atlassian Jira,

  • Git repository, such as GitHub or Atlassian Bitbucket,

  • CI/CD build and deployment tool, such as Jenkins or Atlassian Bamboo.

Different tools provide different combinations of these capabilities within the same platform. The following table lists popular examples.


Git Repository

Work Item Management

CI/CD Pipeline


Git Repository

Work Item Management

CI/CD Pipeline


✅ (via Bitbucket)

✅ (via Jira)

✅ (via Bamboo)

Azure DevOps








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