Using Multiple MettleCI Agents

Using Multiple MettleCI Agents



Many customers cannot use a single MettleCI Agent Host to communicate with multiple DataStage environments due to organizational security policies.

This page describes how multiple MettleCI Agents Host can be configured when you need to segregate agent access by DataStage environment or network zone.

Components featuring on this page are described in MettleCI Topology Components.

A single MettleCI Agent Host for everything

This is the default (and simplest) topology to use when it’s permissible for a single MettleCI Agent host to connect to every DataStage environment and network zone.

Separate MettleCI Agent Hosts per network zone

This topology is appropriate when it’s not permitted for a single MettleCI Agent host to connect to every DataStage environment and network zone. In particular, this topology is useful when a single instance of a CI/CD Agent is not permitted to access non-Production and Production environments/network zones.

Separate MettleCI Agent Hosts per DataStage environment

This topology is appropriate when each DataStage environment requires its own MettleCI Agent host, usually as a result of organizational security policies.

Configuring pipeline activity to the appropriate Agent host

The following links describe how various build tools provide support for specifying which pipeline activities are assigned to which build Agent/Runner.


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