Starting, Stopping the Monitoring MettleCI Workbench Service

Starting, Stopping the Monitoring MettleCI Workbench Service

In all instances a Restart of the MettleCI Workbench involves simply following the steps for Stop followed by Start.



Start the MettleCI Workbench service using the following command

$> sudo service dm-mettleci-workbench start $> # or for AIX... $> mciworkbench.rc start


Stop the MettleCI Workbench service using the following command

$> sudo service dm-mettleci-workbench stop $> # or for AIX... $> mciworkbench.rc start

Checking Status

Verify your Workbench service is running:

$> sudo service dm-mettleci-workbench status $> # or for AIX... $> mciworkbench.rc status



  1. Open the Services application.

  2. Double-click the MettleCI Workbench service.

  3. Click the Start button.

  4. Click the Apply button.

  5. Click the OK button.


  1. Open the Services application.

  2. Double-click the MettleCI Workbench service.

  3. Click the Stop button.

  4. Click the Apply button.

  5. Click the OK button.

Checking Status

  1. Open the Services application.

  2. Verify that the MettleCI Workbench service has the Status Running.

  3. Verify that the MettleCI Workbench service has Startup Type Automatic.

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