MettleCI Example Pipeline for DevOps

MettleCI Example Pipeline for DevOps

MettleCI ships with a set of example pipelines which demonstrate how to use the MettleCI command line to compose a pipeline which satisfies a number of scenarios.

Note that the pipelines which ship with MettleCI are unsupported examples of how you may use the MettleCI Command Line Interface to craft a custom pipeline that suits your organisation’s unique combination of technology stack and business needs.

This example uses a screenshot from Jenkins (below). From a MettleCI perspective, the process is identical regardless of the build tool being used.

Jenkins, unlike other automation platforms has split the Build and Deployment sections of the process into their own separate pipelines.

Note: Jenkins also forces a Java version incompatibility issue upon the MettleCI CLI, whereby the agent running the pipelines (and therefore the MettleCI CLI) does not support Java 8, which is required by the MettleCI CLI. We resolve this issue in our pipelines by instructing Jenkins to explicitly set the Java version when running scripts, but it results in additional messages at the beginning of every stage that we have removed from this documentation for the sake of clarity.

DevOps Build

When an update has been committed and pushed to the MettleCI project repository, the Build pipeline is called automatically.


1. Diagnostics 11.7

This stage is simply a diagnostic step to help with initial development of your pipeline. Once you have confirmed that your pipeline is behaving as required you can safely delete this step.










Diags 11.7


Uses the Build Agent to log environment variables and variable groups for diagnostics purposes.

2. Deploy CI

Deploy to Continuous Integration

This Job is defined in pipeline template mci_deploy.groovy










Create DataStage Project

mettleci datastage create-project (documentation)

Verify that the CI project exists (otherwise, create it).


Substitute parameters in DataStage config

mettleci properties config (documentation)

Replace variables in the DSParams file, any Parameter Sets files, and any user-define shell scripts (from repository path /datastage) with values defined in the var.ci properties file. Processed files are stored in a config directory created by this command in the current workspace on the agent.

This example operates on *.sh files in the 'datastage' base directory, the DSParams file, and all Parameter Sets

using values from the file 'var.ci' (as determined by the environmentId parameter)

// Substituted files are created in a new temporary build directory on your build agent host called 'config'



Cleanup temporary files from previous builds

mettleci remote execute (documentation)

Execute your datastage/cleanup.sh script. This script removes the directory containing previous pipeline artefacts on the datastage engine, ensuring contains only artefacts created for this execution are present.


Transfer DataStage config and filesystem assets

mettleci remote upload (documentation)

Upload the config directory containing files modified by the Configure Properties step and your repository’s filesystem directory from the build agent to your CI environment.


Deploy DataStage config and file system assets

mettleci remote execute (documentation)

Execute your config/deploy.sh script (previously generated by the Configure properties task from your repository's datastage/deploy.sh file) on your CI environment. This user-supplied script performs solution-specific deployment processes required by the assets in the filesystem directory.


Deploy DataStage project

mettleci datastage deploy (documentation)

Perform an incremental deployment of your DataStage assets to the CI project.



mettleci remote execute (documentation)

Execute the script config/cleanup.sh (previously generated by the Configure properties task from your repository's datastage/cleanup.sh file) in the CI environment. This script removes files which are no longer required from your build agent’s disk.


Find files in the workspace

Inline script

Detects and records (in a build pipeline variable) whether the Job compilation performed by the Deploy DataStage assets task produced an output JUnit .xml file. Note that the incremental deployment approach used by MettleCI may mean that a test output file would not be generated in the event that the deployment process does not detect any changes.


Archive JUnit-formatted test results

Build tool specific

If a JUnit .xml file was detected by the Find files in the workspace step then publish it to the build tool for use in test suite management.

3. Test CI

Compliance Test CI Warnings

This Job is defined in pipeline template mci_compliance.groovy.










Check out from version control

Build tool specific

Make the Compliance repository (separate to the DataStage asset repository, where this pipeline definition is stored) accessible to the build agent.


Compliance Test - Warnings

mettleci compliance test -ignore-test-failures (documentation)

Invokes MettleCI Compliance checks for changes jobs. Note that in this mode (including the -ignore-test-failures option) a failed Compliance check will not cause the entire build pipeline to fail.



Find files in the workspace

Build tool specific

Detects and records (in a build pipeline variable) whether the Compliance check performed by the Run Compliance task produced an output JUnit .xml file. Note that the incremental deployment approach used by MettleCI may mean that a test output file would not be generated in the event that the deployment process does not detect any changes.


Archive JUnit-formatted test results

Build tool specific

If a JUnit .xml file was detected by the Check for results step then publish it to the build tool for use in test suite management.

Compliance Test CI Failures

This Job is defined in pipeline template mci_compliance.groovy










Check out from version control

Build tool specific

Make the Compliance repository (separate to the DataStage asset repository, where this pipeline definition is stored) accessible to the build agent.


Compliance Test - Errors

mettleci compliance test (documentation)

Invoke MettleCI Compliance checks for changes jobs. Note that in this mode (omitting the -ignore-test-failures option) a failed Compliance check will cause the entire build pipeline to fail.


Find files in the workspace

Inline script

Detects and records (in a build pipeline variable) whether the Compliance check performed by the Run Compliance task produced an output JUnit .xml file. Note that the incremental deployment approach used by MettleCI may mean that a test output file would not be generated in the event that the deployment process does not detect any changes.


Archive JUnit-formatted test results

Build tool specific

If a JUnit .xml file was detected by the Check for results step then publish it to the build tool for use in test suite management.

Unit Test

This Job is defined in pipeline template mci_unittest.groovy










Configure Properties

mettleci properties config (documentation)

Replace variables in the cleanup_unittest.sh file, with values defined in the var.ci properties file.

// Substituted files are created in a new temporary build directory on your build agent host called 'config'.



mettleci remote execute (documentation)

Execute the script stored in the repository file config/cleanup_unittest.sh (previously generated by the Configure properties task) in the CI environment. This script removes unit test results, to ensure a clean environment for the next execution.


Upload unit test specs

mettleci remote upload (documentation)

Upload your repository’s unittest directory from the build agent to your CI environment.


Create unit test report dir

mkdir unittest-reports

Create directory to receive unit test outputs.


Run Unit Tests

mettleci unittest test (documentation)

Invoke the Unit Tests defined in your unittest directory. Note that MettleCI will use its incremental detection functionality to only execute Unit Tests where either the Unit Test case or associated Job have changed.


Download unit test reports

mettleci remote download (documentation)

Download any JUnit .xml files produced by the Run Unit Tests task from your CI environment to the build agent.


Find files in the workspace

Inline script

Detects and records (in a build pipeline variable) whether the Unit Test execution performed by the Run Unit Tests task produced an output JUnit .xml file. Note that the incremental deployment approach used by MettleCI may mean that a Unit Test output file would not be generated in the event that the deployment process does not detect any changes.


Archive JUnit-formatted test results

Build tool specific

If a JUnit .xml file was detected by the Check for results step then publish it to the build tool for use in test suite management

4. Success - Tag Repository

If the build ran successfully, tag the repository.










Tag current build


Adds a tag to the commit that triggered the successful build, thereby identifying it as a candidate for deployment into the QA environment. The tag is in the format ci-{build_number}.

DevOps Deploy


Once the DevOps Build pipeline has run successfully for a particular checkin, it will have been marked as a candidate for deployment into the first of the testing environments used by the MettleCI example pipelines: QA.

The DevOps Deploy pipeline is triggered manually when one of the possible candidate tags is chosen to be deployed.

The MettleCI example pipelines use different environments to illustrate a promotion path from Development (and automatic Compliance and Unit Testing in CI via the Build pipeline), then QA, Perf and finally Prod. Unlike the pipelines for other supported platforms, Jenkins separates Build from Deployment, but also only deploys to one environment per running of the DevOps Deploy pipeline, using the repository tags to determine what can be promoted..

1. Select Release to Deploy

This first step determines which tag is being promoted to which environment.

The first step is to choose the target environment, out of qa, perf and prod.

Based on the chosen target environment, the user is presented with a list of candidate tags that enforce the proper progression towards Production:

  • qa - user is only presented with tags starting with “ci-”

  • perf - only “qa-” tags

  • prod - only “perf-” tags

Given the fact that a deployment into the Perf environment has to be successful in order to be tagged with a “perf-” tag and only “perf-” tags can be deployed into Production, this ensures that code cannot be deployed directly into Production.










Tag current build


Calls upon the the user to choose the target environment, and then choose the desired tag from the list of approved candidates.

2. Deploy - Target

This Job is defined in pipeline template mci_deploy.groovy










Create DataStage Project

mettleci datastage create-project (documentation)

Verify that the CI project exists (otherwise, create it).


Substitute parameters in DataStage config

mettleci properties config (documentation)

Replace variables in the DSParams file, any Parameter Sets files, and any user-define shell scripts (from repository path /datastage) with values defined in the var.ci properties file. Processed files are stored in a config directory created by this command in the current workspace on the agent.

This example operates on *.sh files in the 'datastage' base directory, the DSParams file, and all Parameter Sets

using values from the file 'var.ci' (as determined by the environmentId parameter)

// Substituted files are created in a new temporary build directory on your build agent host called 'config'



Cleanup temporary files from previous builds

mettleci remote execute (documentation)

Execute your datastage/cleanup.sh script. This script removes the directory containing previous pipeline artefacts on the datastage engine, ensuring contains only artefacts created for this execution are present.


Transfer DataStage config and filesystem assets

mettleci remote upload (documentation)

Upload the config directory containing files modified by the Configure Properties step and your repository’s filesystem directory from the build agent to your CI environment.


Deploy DataStage config and file system assets

mettleci remote execute (documentation)

Execute your config/deploy.sh script (previously generated by the Configure properties task from your repository's datastage/deploy.sh file) on your CI environment. This user-supplied script performs solution-specific deployment processes required by the assets in the filesystem directory.


Deploy DataStage project

mettleci datastage deploy (documentation)

Perform an incremental deployment of your DataStage assets to the CI project.



mettleci remote execute (documentation)

Execute the script config/cleanup.sh (previously generated by the Configure properties task from your repository's datastage/cleanup.sh file) in the CI environment. This script removes files which are no longer required from your build agent’s disk.


Find files in the workspace

Inline script

Detects and records (in a build pipeline variable) whether the Job compilation performed by the Deploy DataStage assets task produced an output JUnit .xml file. Note that the incremental deployment approach used by MettleCI may mean that a test output file would not be generated in the event that the deployment process does not detect any changes.


Archive JUnit-formatted test results

Build tool specific

If a JUnit .xml file was detected by the Find files in the workspace step then publish it to the build tool for use in test suite management.

3. Success - Tag Repository

If the build ran successfully, tag the repository.










Tag current build


Adds a tag to the commit that triggered the successful build, thereby identifying it as a candidate for deployment into the next environment. ie: if the current run successfully deployed a “ci-” tag into QA, the commit the tag was related to also receives a “qa-” tag, identifying it as a potential candidate for deployment into the Perf environment.

4. Calling Hotfix Creation Pipeline

The Jenkins DevOps pipeline example is extended to cover a Production hotfix scenario, whereby hotfix changes can be made against a copy of the Production DataStage project. This allows for quick turnaround on critical Production issues without attempting to fix DataStage jobs directly in Production.










Building Jenkins-DevOps-Hotfix-Create


If the current deployment was into the Production environment, run a separate Jenkins pipeline that updates a special hotfix DataStage project to always be in line with the Production project, and also create a separate branch in the git repository to manage any hotfix changes that may be made.


  • Note that every build Job has implicit access to the DataStage asset repository where this pipeline definition is stored. Some build tools make this explicit and produce a log entry showing this. For example Azure DevOps automatically introduces a task at the beginning of each Job with a title for the form Checkout <repository-name@<branch> to s\<project-name>.

  • Below is the Azure version of the complete DevOps pipeline. This illustrates the way the other automation platform pipelines are structured in terms of the Build and Deploy processes. Arranging them in a continuous pipeline with explicit approval each deployment step (not including CI) enforces the order of deployment through to Production.




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