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Workbench operations return ‘Could not find specified assets’


Running compliance or Git Commit in MettleCI Workbench returns a Could not find specified assets error, despite the user specifying the name of a valid Asset within the selected Project.


From a shell on the DataStage Engine hosting the MettleCI Workbench Service execute an istool command to perform an export of your selected asset using the same user account used to execute MettleCI Workbench (typically mciworkb).

For example…

/opt/IBM/InformationServer/Clients/istools/cli/ export -domain -username myusername -password mypassword -archive "/tmp/myexport.isx" -datastage ' -base="" "/myjob." '

If you observe that the export file has not been created, despite the istool export command running with no error message, it’s likely you have found the reason for the Workbench error.


MettleCI uses DataStage’s native export capabilities to extract the required asset(s) from the repository tier. Without a working istool - and hence access to the DataStage assets - MettleCI cannot successfully complete the requested operation.


See IBM’s technote on this topic which describes the problem and its solution: . Note that JR55455 might have been applied to your Information Server system as a by-product of installing an Information Server fix pack or service pack.

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