Unit Test Specification Format

Unit Test Specification Format


A MettleCI Unit Test Specification (often abbreviated ‘Spec’) is a YAML-formatted file which uses a grammar modelled loosely on the Gherkin syntax of a testing tool called Cucumber. The overall structure follows the Gherkin pattern

given: # This source of input data when: # The specified job is executed with these parameter values then: # Expect the Job to produce data that looks like this


The given section defined a list of stage nodes (or sparseLookup nodes, see below) defining input links whose values you wish to replace with test data.

given: - stage: My_First_Sequential_File # Stage 'My_First_Sequential_File' has... link: Input_Link # an output link 'Input_Link' which... path: Sequential_File_1.csv # will be injected with data from the test data file 'Sequential_File_1.csv' - stage: My_Sequential_Other_File link: Other_Input_Link path: Sequential_File_2.csv

Each link is specified using a combination of stage and link properties (to uniquely identify an incoming link which supplies data to your Job) and a path node to identify the test data CSV file containing the test data that is to be injected on that incoming link.

Sparse Lookup sources

When an input source is used with a Sparse Lookup stage then rather than using the stage node to specify the input you will use the sparseLookup node.

given: - stage: Some_Non_Lookup_Stage link: Some_Input_Link path: Some_File.csv - sparseLookup: SparseLookup path: Database-Reference.csv key: - KEY_COLUMN_1 - KEY_COLUMN_2

The sparseLookup node specifies …

  1. the value defining the name of the sparse lookup reference stage,

  2. a path to the relevant CSV unit test data file, and

  3. a list of key columns to be used for the sparse lookup.

See this page for more information.


The when node specifies which job will be executed during testing as well as any parameters (including job macros) that affect the data produced by the job.


The then section associates unit test data files with each of your Job’s input links.

Similar to the Given section, each link in the Then section is specified using a combination of stage and link nodes (to uniquely identify an outgoing link which produces data from your Job) and a path node to identify the test data CSV file containing the test data that is to be injected on that incoming link.

Cluster keys

The cluster node is used to assist MettleCI’s resource management when using high volumes of test data. Setting a Cluster Key will prompt MettleCI to split the actual output and expected output using multiple, smaller subsets (based on the supplied keys) before the data is compared. Data is split such that each subset will only contain records that have the same values for all columns that make up the Cluster Key. In general, cluster keys should only be used when necessary, and not specified by default. Read more about the using the cluster node in High Volume Unit Tests.

Row count comparisons

You can configure as test to only compare output row counts, rather than the content of those rows, by setting the checkRowCountOnly node to true.

See this page for more information.

Excluding columns from unit tests

You can omit selected columns from the output comparison by listing them under an ignore node for the relevant output.

See this page for more information.

Test Specification Types


Job Run Mode

Test Specification



‘Given’ section

'When' section

‘Then’ section




Job is executed normally with no MettleCI test harness intervention.

Unit Test Interception


✅ Specified

✅ Specified

✅ Specified

Interception is executed normally:

  • expected output is captured to the specified output files

  • source data references are irrelevant in this Job run mode.


∅ Unspecified

✅ Specified

✅ Specified

Sources are accessed without change and Job output is compared to specified Expected result.


⛔️ Specifies non-existent files

✅ Specified

✅ Specified

Causes test execution failure.


✅ Specified

✅ Specified

∅ Unspecified

Causes test execution failure as there are no value Expected results to test against, so this is not a valid test.


✅ Specified

✅ Specified

⛔️ Specifies non-existent files

Re-baseline’s expected test output. See Capturing a Baseline Test Result.

Unit Test Execution


✅ Supplied

✅ Supplied

✅ Supplied

Test is executed normally.


∅ Unspecified

✅ Supplied

✅ Supplied

No input test data specified so the Job’s normal input operations are permitted to read from upstream data sources. Output is compared to an expected output test data file. See an example here.


⛔️ Specifies non-existent files

✅ Specified

✅ Specified

Test fails to execute and Job aborts.


✅ Supplied

✅ Supplied

∅ Unspecified

Input test data is injected into your jobs but no output test data is supplied for comparison so the Job’s normal output operations are permitted to write to downstream data stores. No output comparison is performed.


✅ Specified

✅ Specified

⛔️ Specifies non-existent files

Test fails to execute and Job aborts.

Test specification patterns

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