Bamboo DataStage Message Handlers Task

Bamboo DataStage Message Handlers Task

You can use the DataStage Message Handlers task to inject job level message handlers into ISX files that then will be imported into DataStage. Also see the documentation on the DataStage Message Handlers CLI.

Using the Bambo DataStage Message Handlers task user interface

  1. Navigate to the Tasks configuration tab for the job (this will be the default job if creating a new plan).

  2. Click the name of an existing DataStage Message Handlers task or click Add Task and then search 'DataStage' to easily locate the DataStage Message Handlers task type, in order to create a new task.

  3. Complete the following settings:

Task Description

A description of the task, which is displayed in Bamboo.

Disable this task

Check, or clear, to selectively run this task.

Root ISX directory

From the pulldown list, choose a DataStage Capability.

Root message handler directory

Enter the Domain of the DataStage instance (Host name of the Services Tier)

  1. Click Save

Using the Bambo DataStage Message Handlers task in a YAML pipeline



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