MettleCI Open Source Reference
Incorporated Technologies
MettleCI incorporates, or relies on, a number of third party technologies which are listed below. You may also want to take a look at our Licence Agreement supplement Third Party Code in Data Migrators Products.
Technology | Homepage | Source | License | Relationship | Description |
Apache Commons IO | Apache 2 | Embedded | Java IO utilities library | ||
Apache Commons Lang | Apache 2 | Embedded | Java language extensions | ||
Apache Groovy | Apache 2 | Installed alongside | Java-based scripting language | ||
Apache HTTP Client | GitHub - apache/httpcomponents-client: Mirror of Apache HttpClient | Apache 2 | Embedded | HTTP(S) communication client | |
Apache Log4j | Apache 2 | Embedded | Java logging system | ||
Apache MINA SSHD | Apache 2 | Embedded | SSH library | ||
Apache Tinkerpop | GitHub - apache/tinkerpop: Apache TinkerPop - a graph computing framework | Apache 2 | Embedded | In-memory graph database | |
ANTLR | BSD (3 Clause) | Embedded | Lexer and Parser | ||
Bootstrap | MIT | Embedded | Front end framework | ||
Daff | MIT | Embedded | Data Diff - Table comparison | ||
Dagger | GitHub - google/dagger: A fast dependency injector for Android and Java. | Apache 2 | Embedded | Compile time Dependency Injection for Java | |
Dropwizard | Apache 2 | Embedded | Library for building production-ready RESTful web services | ||
Eclipse Modeling Framework | Eclipse Distribution License | Embedded | Eclipse Modelling Framework | ||
Font awesome | GitHub - FortAwesome/Font-Awesome: The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit | Font Awesome | Embedded | User interface icons | |
Handsontable | Handsontable Distributor License | Embedded | Unit Test Data management | ||
IBM Carbon | Apache 2 | Embedded | Various Graphical User Interfaces | ||
Jackson | Apache 2 | Embedded | Marshall between Java POJOs and JSON/YAML/XML | ||
JGit | Eclipse Distribution License | Embedded | Java GIT client | ||
JSON-java | Public Domain (JSON-Java) | Embedded | Reference JSON package in Java | ||
JNA | Apache 2 or LGPL2.1 | Embedded | Java Native Access | ||
JQuery | MIT | Embedded | Javascript interface toolkit | ||
Mocker Data Generator | MIT | Embedded | Test data fabrication | ||
SLF4J | MIT | Embedded | Simple logging facade for Java | ||
Plexus Utils | Apache 2 | Embedded | Utility classes to ease working with strings, files, command lines, XML and more | ||
React | MIT | Embedded | User interface Javascript framework | ||
Reflections | Public Domain (WTFPL) | Embedded | Java runtime metadata analysis | ||
Open JDK | GNU GPL v2.0 | Installed alongside | Most MettleCI functions | ||
Git client | GNU GPL v2.0 | Embedded | Interface to Git SCM | ||
NodeJS | MIT | Installed alongside | Server-side JavaScript | ||
NGINX for Windows | Simplified BSD (2 Clause) | Installed alongside | Reverse proxy (optional, not part of MettleCI) | ||
NSSM | Public Domain (NSSM) | Installed alongside | Windows service manager |
License reference
Name | Description | Permissions | Limitations | Conditions |
MIT License | A short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code. | Commercial use Modification Distribution Private use | Liability Warranty | License and copyright notice |
Apache License v2.0
| A permissive license whose main conditions require preservation of copyright and license notices. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code. | Commercial use Modification Distribution Patent use Private use | Trademark use Liability Warranty | License and copyright notice State changes |
BSD License | A permissive license that comes in two variants, the BSD 2-Clause ('Simplified') and BSD 3-Clause ('BSD'). Both have very minute differences to the MIT license. | Commercial use Modification Distribution Private use | Liability Warranty | License and copyright notice |
GNU General Public License v2.0 | The GNU GPL is the most widely used free software license and has a strong copyleft requirement. When distributing derived works, the source code of the work must be made available under the same license. There are multiple variants of the GNU GPL, each with different requirements. | Commercial use Modification Distribution Private use | Liability Warranty | License and copyright notice State changes Disclose source Same license |
Public Domain | A license with no conditions whatsoever which dedicates works to the public domain. Unlicensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code. | Commercial use Modification Distribution Private use | Liability Warranty | None |
Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 | The Eclipse Public License is designed to be a business-friendly free software license, and features weaker copyleft provisions than licenses such as the GNU General Public License (GPL). The receiver of EPL-licensed programs can use, modify, copy and distribute the work and modified versions, in some cases being obliged to release their own changes. | Commercial use Modification Distribution Private use | Liability Warranty | License and copyright notice |
Handsontable Distributor License | A commercial distribution license of the open source Handsontable software, incorporating the MIT license (see above) | Commercial use Modification Distribution Private use | Liability Warranty | License and copyright notice |
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