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Link Collector Stage


The Link Collector stage is an active stage which takes up to 64 inputs and allows you to collect data from these links and route it along a single output link. The stage expects the output link to use the same metadata as the input links.

IBM Documentation

Server Stage: Link Collector Stages - IBM Documentation

Parallel Stages: The Link Collectors is implemented as a combination of the following stages:

Conversion Notes

Structural changes

The output of the Server Link Collector translation process follows the same structure as the Server Link Collector stage itself: multiple inputs with a single output. The Server Link Collector stage is replaced with an identically-named Parallel Local Container within which is the following implementation:

  • Each Server Link Collector input link is translated into a Container input link.

  • The Server Link Collector output link is translated into a Container output link.

  • Each container input link has a Parallel Copy Stage which acts to rename columns to align with expected output metadata definitions.

  • Each Parallel Copy Stage is connected to a Parallel Funnel which combines results into a single Container output link based on the Collection Algorithm and (for the Sort/Merge option) Sort Key properties derived from those of the original Server Link Collector.

See Parallel Job Structural Differences.

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