Creating Server ISX Export Files for Analysis

Creating Server ISX Export Files for Analysis

To run the S2PX process you’ll need…

  1. an ISX file for pre-conversion analysis, and

  2. a DSX file for actual conversion

See this page to learn how to produce a single analysis output for multiple ISX files.

How to Generate a ISX Export Zip File for S2PX Analysis

This file should be a normal zip containing only .isx export files:

Generating a zipped ISX export file is a simple 4-step process:

  1. Open the Windows command line (cmd.exe)

  2. Identify the location of your istool command

  3. Create an export file using istool

Open the Windows command line

There are many ways to start the Windows command line. One of the quickest is using the Windows + R keys on your keyboard. Then, type cmd and press Enter or click OK.

Identify the location of your istool command

We'll use the istool command to create an ISX export. The istool command is usually located in the director


so if this is not in your system %PATH% you'll need to fully qualify your reference to it, or cd to the relevant directory to access it. Test your access by typing istool at the terminal:

C:\Users\Administrator>D:D:\>cd IBM\InformationServer\Clients\istools\cli D:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\istools\cli>istool For help, enter: "help". To exit, enter: ".","exit", or "quit" istool> exit bye. D:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\istools\cli>

Create an ISX export file using istool

Enter the command shown below, substituting the following values:

  • -domain is the URL and port of your DataStage engine

  • -u is your DataStage username

  • -p is your DataStage password

  • -archive is the double-quoted name of your export file

  • -datastage is the single-quoted specification of the assets your want to export.
    This should take the form: {engine} / {projectname} /*/*.*

    For example:

    D:\IBM\InformationServer\Clients\istools\cli>istool export ^ -domain services.datamigrators.io:59445 ^ -u isadmin ^ -p MyDataStagePassword ^ -archive "C:\Users\Administrator\MyProject.isx" ^ -datastage 'engine.datamigrators.io/wwi_test/*/*.*'

How to Generate a DSX Export Zip File for S2PX Conversion

A .dsx export file is a file you generate from the Datastage Designer Client to import/export Datastage specific artifacts between projects.

Open the DataStage Designer Client from the windows desktop shortcut (DSDesign.exe)

Enter the Hostname of the Services Tier, User name, Password and the Project from which you want to export the artifacts.

Datastage Designer “Export” menu item

From the DataStage Designer Main Menu click on `Export -> DataStage Components` to open the Repository Export window.


Then Click `Add` to open the `Select Items` window

Click on a Folder to choose the contents.

Alternatively Click on the '+' next to a folder to choose individual objects.  You can also use Ctrl-Click to make multiple choices.

Click OK button to Add the chosen objects to the `Items to export` window.

Chose ‘Export job designs without executables’ as the Job components to Export

Provide the path where your export file will be stored

Accept the default ‘dsx’ and the Type of export.

(note:  The export path is relative to the local client computer)

 Click Export button to complete the export.


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