Installing the S2PX tools

Installing the S2PX tools


Ensure your environment meets the S2PX prerequisites.

You’ll also need to ensure you have access to the two S2PX Command Line Interface (CLI) plugin files…

  1. File dm-s2px-analysis-plugin-1.0-nnn.jar is the S2PX Analysis plugin (where nnn is the build number)

  2. File dm-s2px-conversion-plugin-1.0-nnn.jar is the S2PX Conversion plugin (where nnn is the build number)

Installation without the full MettleCI suite

To install S2PX without installing all of the MettleCI components…

  1. Install the MettleCI CLI (usually on a Windows host but Unix hosts are also supported).

  2. Install the S2PX plugins into the ./plugins folder of the MettleCI CLI.

  3. Create a reports folder to hold your analysis output.

  • In this scenario, you don’t need to add the DataStage Client/Engine path to MettleCI CLI configuration file.

  • Ensure that the filesystem location of your MettleCI license file is the same as the path stated in your MettleCI CLI configuration file.

Installation alongside existing MettleCI installations

  1. Locate your MettleCI CLI installation directory - commonly under /opt/dm/mci on Unix-based DataStage engines.

  2. Install the S2PX plugins into the ./plugins sub-folder of the MettleCI CLI.

  3. Create a reports folder to hold your analysis output.


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