Introducing S2PX Analysis

Introducing S2PX Analysis

Migrating an existing DataStage codebase from Server to Parallel presents a number of challenges:

  • Server jobs contain features that do not exist in Parallel so alternative methods or design patterns must be implemented

  • Some jobs will require restructuring or splitting into multiple Parallel jobs due to fundamental differences in Stage behaviour between the two systems

Understanding the scope of imminent change and trying to estimate the effort required to make the transition from Server to Parallel is a non-trivial undertaking. Fortunately S2PX offers a path to automate at least part of the analysis work, greatly reducing the effort and risk involved. The S2PX Analysis component - delivered as a command line tool - enables you to analyse your current Server codebase and glean important insights into the aspects of your code which will influence the likely success of conversion:

  • How many jobs can be converted automatically? Of these jobs, what effect will restructuring and splitting jobs have on the number of generated output artefacts.

  • Which Server-only features have been used in the codebase? How many jobs are affected?

  • Are potential “quick wins” available, that would allow testing to commence earlier in the process?

  • What other factors need to be considered?

Armed with the information provided by this analysis, more informed decisions can be made and effort better spent on solving important issues.

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