Execute DataStage Job Bamboo Task

You can use the Execute DataStage Job task to execute a DataStage job or sequence. 

Task Availability

This task is available after installing the MettleCI - DataStage Execute Plugin (dm-dsexecute-plugin.jar)

To configure an Execute Datastage Job Task


  1. Navigate to the Tasks configuration tab for the job (this will be the default job if creating a new plan).
  2. Click the name of an existing Execute Datastage Job task, or click Add Task and then search 'Datastage' to easily locate the Execute Datastage Job task type, in order to create a new task.
  3. Complete the following settings:

    Task DescriptionA description of the task, which is displayed in Bamboo.
    Disable this taskCheck, or clear, to selectively run this task.
    ExecutableFrom the pulldown list, choose a 'Datastage Capability'
    DomainEnter the Domain of the Datastage instance (Host Name of the Services Tier)
    ServerEnter the Server of the Datastage instance (Host Name of the Engine Tier)
    UsernameEnter the Datastage Username
    PasswordEnter the Datastage Password
    Project nameDataStage Project containing assets to be executed
    Job/Sequence NameEnter the Job/Sequence Name to be executed
    Use Property File for Optional ParametersCheck this option if parameters should come from a file rather than configuring in the plan
    Optional Parameters

    Use this multi-line text box to enter job parameters as key value pairs (eg. "DBPassword=tiger")

    Alternatively, if the previous property is set, you can enter a filename contain parameters as key value pairs

  4. Click Save

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