Enabling debug logging for MettleCI CLI

Enabling debug logging for MettleCI CLI

The MettleCI Command Line Interface has a debugging mode which is enabled by inserting entries in the config.properties configuration file in the root directory of your CLI installation (e.g., /opt/dm/mci/cli UNIX or C:\MettleCI\cli WINDOWS)

Enable debugging by updating the file to include the following lines:

# Setting the log level for a specific logger takes the format: # logger.[LOG_NAME]=[LOG_LEVEL] logger.com.datamigrators.mettle.process.CommandRunner=DEBUG logger.com.datamigrators.mettle.dsadmin.commands.DSParamsMergeCommand=DEBUG

These entries will cause any mettleci command to create a file log/stdout.log file in the current directory from which the CLI command was invoked. This will typically be under your CLI installation directory (in the case of manually executed mettleci commands) or in a different directory when invoked by pipeline agents running CLI commands under the direction of a build pipeline. You may be asked to provide this file when raising a MettleCI support request.

Available Debug Loggers


Enhanced Logging Provided


Enhanced Logging Provided


Logs the external calls made to DataStage APIs


Logs details of differences (sections and entries) calculated by the DSParams Merge Command


Logs sections and entries merged by the DSParams Diff Command


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