Ant File Patterns

Ant File Patterns

A number of MettleCI Commands use Ant file pattens for the specification of files upon which they operate. For example, the remote upload (link) and remote download (link) commands use Ant patterns to specify which files will be included in the command’s transfer process. For example, to shallow copy all files in the unittest directory use the pattern unittest/*.  For recursive (deep) copying of the same directory use unittest/**/*

Ant is also powerful enough to do more complex matching such as all XML files within an arbitrarily-deep directory tree (i.e., unittest/**/*.xml) or to shallow copy all XML files only a single directory deep within the unittest directory, i.e., unittest/*/*.xml) (noting this time the single /*/).

Multiple transfer patterns can be supplied using a comma separated notation. For example, unittest/**/*.xml,unittest/**/*.csv matches all XML and CSV files within an arbitrarily-deep directory tree. It should be noted that many of the MettleCI commands supporting the use of Ant syntax also support the use of multiple -pattern parameters, so in the previous example it may be more readable to use a command of the form…

$> mettleci namespace command \ -patern unittest/**/*.xml \ -pattern unittest/**/*.csv

MettleCI Components using ANT Patterns


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