Remote Upload Command
Remote Upload Command
The Remote Upload command provides a platform-agnostic mechanism to upload files from your build system to a target host. This command…
uses the SFTP protocol,
authenticates using either a username/password or SSH Private Key, and
uses ANT File Patterns
Note that all directories matched by transfer patterns are created in the -destination
Note that the -privateKey
parameter is the name of a private key file accessible your mettleci remote execute
command. If used as part of a CI/CD pipeline then the build agent process running the command will need access to the specified private key file.
Successful upload
$> mettleci remote upload
-host remote_host \
-username myuser \
-password mypassword \
-source "C:\source-dir/." \
-destination target-dir \
-transferPattern "filesystem/**/*,config/*"
MettleCI Command Line (build 128)
(C) 2018-2022 Data Migrators Pty Ltd
Connecting to remote_host on port 22
Uploading 'filesystem/**/*,config/*' from local directory 'C:/source-dir/' to remote directory '/home/myuser/target-dir/':
config\cleanup.sh - SUCCESS
config\cleanup_unittest.sh - SUCCESS
config\deploy.sh - SUCCESS
config\DSParams - SUCCESS
filesystem\deploy.sh - SUCCESS
Done. 5 files transferred.
Failed upload
$> mettleci remote upload
-host remote_host
-username myuser
-password mypassword
-source "C:\source-dir/."
-destination target-dir
-transferPattern "bad_pattern/*"
MettleCI Command Line (build 128)
(C) 2018-2022 Data Migrators Pty Ltd
Connecting to remote_host on port 22
Uploading 'bad_pattern/*' from local directory from local directory 'C:/source-dir/' to remote directory '/home/myuser/target-dir/':
Done. 0 files transferred.
See Also
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