MettleCI IBM OEM Release 1.3

MettleCI IBM OEM Release 1.3

Package Summary

Package name

MettleCI v1.3.0 Multiplatform English

Release Date (yyyy-mm-dd)


IBM Part Number


Package Contents

This release also bundles S2PX v.1.3.

See this page for detailed release notes for S2PX.

This MettleCI v1.3 package contains a complete set of MettleCI and S2PX assets which give you everything you need to get up and running with these tools. You do not need to install any previous MettleCI or S2PX releases to use this package.

. └── Software ├── CLI │   ├── dm-mettleci-command-shell-1.1-287-dist.zip │   └── dm-mettleci-command-shell-1.1-287.noarch.rpm ├── License │   ├── mettleci.lic │   └── properties.txt    ├── Repositories    │   ├── dm-compliance-rules-304.zip    │   └── mettleci-repo-template-90.zip ├── S2PX │   ├── dm-s2px-analysis-plugin-1.0-158.jar │   └── dm-s2px-conversion-plugin-1.0-726.jar ├── Unit Test Harness │   ├── dm-unittest-harness-1.3-527-setup.exe │   └── dm-unittest-harness-1.3-527.noarch.rpm └── Workbench ├── dm-mettleci-workbench-1.3-1775-setup.exe └── dm-mettleci-workbench-1.3-1775.noarch.rpm









Command Shell

dm-mettleci-command-shell-1.1-287-dist.zip WINDOWS

dm-mettleci-command-shell-1.1-287.noarch.rpm UNIX

These operating system-specific MettleCI Command Shell distributions each include a full set of the latest versions of all MettleCI CLI plugins.

Compliance Rules

dm-compliance-rules-304.zip ALL PLATFORMS

A ready-to-deploy Git repository containing all the MettleCI sample Compliance Rules.

Template Git Repositories

mettleci-repo-examples-90.zip ALL PLATFORMS

Contains two example Git repositories:

Unsupported Examples

Note that despite being fully tested with their respective CI/CD software, these assets are supplied without warranty or support and are provided to serve as examples of how you can use the MettleCI Command Line Interface to construct your own build and deployment pipelines to meet your unique requirements.


mettleci.lic ALL PLATFORMS

properties.txt ALL PLATFORMS

The MettleCI license file (valid to the end of 2099) required to enable MettleCI functionality, along with a human-readable properties file describing the license constraints.

Licence Update

If you download this MettleCI Release package from IBM Passport Advantage (or a similar IBM site excluding Fix Central) then it includes a full IBM OEM MettleCI license file.

Parallel Unit Test Harness

dm-unittest-harness-1.3-527-setup.exe WINDOWS

dm-unittest-harness-1.3-527.noarch.rpm UNIX

The MettleCI Parallel Job Unit Test Harness for installation on your Unix (.rpm) or Windows (.exe) DataStage Engine.


dm-mettleci-workbench-1.3-1775-setup.exe WINDOWS

dm-mettleci-workbench-1.3-1775.noarch.rpm UNIX

The MettleCI Workbench Service.


dm-s2px-analysis-plugin-1.0-158.jar ALL PLATFORMS

dm-s2px-conversion-plugin-1.0-726.jar ALL PLATFORMS

Two MettleCI CLI Plugins which perform pre-conversion analysis of a DSX containing Server Jobs and the Server-to-Parallel conversion of an ISX containing Server Jobs. See http://s2px.mettleci.io for more details.

Change Log

Significant New Features

  • Expansion of Compliance tagging to include new Compliance tagging-aware commands and example tags for all rules

  • Automation of the install/uninstall of the Server Unit Test Harness using two new MettleCI commands (install and uninstall)

    • … and consequent removal of the now-redundant dm-server-unit-test-harness-routine-1.3-xxx.zip package

  • Introduction of example pipelines using Atlassian Bamboo Specs (YAML-based pipeline definitions)

    • … and consequent removal of the now-redundant mettleci deploy devops-pipeline command

  • Support for using external Git repositories (e.g. GitHub) in Azure DevOps projects

  • A variety of minor bug fixes and improvements

  • More new Compliance rules (detailed below) targeted at customers planning to migrate their DataStage solutions to Cloud Pak

  • Significant changes to the underpinnings of MettleCI to prepare for a forthcoming release which will feature…

    • Replacement of the existing Workbench application with a new application using IBM’s Carbon UI framework

    • Native integration of MettleCI functionality into the Cloud Pak DataStage NextGen interface 

New MettleCI Compliance Rules and Capabilities

This release introduces a number of new Compliance rules and deprecates a number of now-redundant rules. Details of all rules shipped are below. Rules not described below remain unaltered from the previous release.





Job Using Custom Function.*.grm (documentation)

✨ New Rules

Detect various features and functions of Classic DataStage Jobs which will require manual remediation to migrate to CP4D because those features and functions were not currently supported by the relevant Cloud Pak DataStage offering at the time of this MettleCI v1.3 release.

DataStage SaaS Unsupported Stages.*.grm (documentation)

Using DB2 Sequence to Generate SK.*.grm (documentation)

Job Using ODBC Connector.*.grm (documentation)

Jobs With Before and After Routine.*.grm (documentation)

Asset using Java Integration Stage.*.grm (documentation)

All rules

Extended all rules with tag annotations so that they are grouped for easier filtering by relevant MettleCI commands. A set of default tags is supplied and can be listed with the mettleci compliance list-tags (documentation) command.

Cloud Pak upgrade tags

Added the following tags to relevant compliance rules to assist customers planning their migration to DataStage NextGen on Cloud Pak for Data:

  • saas-unsupported tag - Identifying features and functions not currently supported in CP4D DataStage SaaS in any circumstances

  • saas-anywhere tag - Identifying features and functions only currently supported in CP4D DataStage SaaS when using the ‘Anywhere’ remote engine capability

  • saas-warning - Identifying features and functions not supported in CP4D DataStage SaaS when certain settings are selected


MettleCI Foundations

These are cross-module fixes, often related to security enhancements or updates to third party libraries.

Issue Reference


Issue Reference



Security - Resolve CRITICAL CVE on Apache SSH library

MettleCI Workbench

In addition to a number of tweaks, enhancements, and optimisations to the Workbench implementation, the following notable fixes and improvements were introduced:

Issue Reference


Issue Reference



Enhancement - Known issue from last release. MettleCI Workbench integration with Microsoft Azure no longer assumes that the Azure DevOps project being used for work item tracking is the same project used to host your Git repository. MettleCI Workbench now supports Azure DevOps projects using externally linked Git repositories, including GitHub.

MCI-5268, MCI-5523

Enhancement - Preparing Workbench service for future release of full Java 11-compatibility


Security - Resolve SnakeYAML CVE in Workbench


Enhancement - Preparing Workbench user authentication for future upgrade to IBM Carbon user interface framework


Bug - Workbench unit test data entered with a leading apostrophe is not being filtered out during save process


Enhancement - Preparing Workbench work item lookup for future upgrade to IBM Carbon user interface framework


Regression - Workbench unit test data table unable to save data when values are numeric


Bug - Command mettleci workbench set-branch returned HTTP 415 "unsupported media type" error

MettleCI Unit Test Harnesses

Issue Reference


Issue Reference



Enhancements to unit test underpinnings to prepare for future Java 11 compatibility


Enhancements to unit test underpinnings to prepare for future release of Cloud Pak for Data native MettleCI unit testing capability

MettleCI Command Line Interface

Issue Reference


Issue Reference



Update Bamboo tasks to accept Shared Credential name from YAML spec


Generate fingerprint from ISX Export(s)

Upgrade Process

Customers performing an initial installation, or upgrading from a previous version of MettleCI, can follow the instructions included (or linked) from these pages:

Known Issues

Issue Reference


Issue Reference





For documentation please visit http://docs.mettleci.io

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