DSParams Diff Command

DSParams Diff Command


Compares two DSParams files and generates a new file containing differences which can later be re-applied using the DSParams Merge Command or deleted using the DSParams Delete Command.



$> mettleci dsparams diff \ -before ./DSParams_old -after ./DSParams_new -diff ./DSParams_diff MettleCI Command Line (build ${buildNumber}) (C) 2018-2020 Data Migrators Pty Ltd Identfying differences in ./DSParams_new (-after) compared to ./DSParams_old (-before): Identification complete. Differences: [EnvVarDefns] APT_CONFIG_FILE\Parallel\3\FilePath/u01/prod/app/IBM/InformationServer870/Server/Configurations/default.apt\3\Project\Configuration file\The Parallel job configuration file. APT_ORCHHOME\Parallel\3\DirPath/u01/prod/app/IBM/InformationServer870/Server/P… "APT_NO_SORT_INSERTION"\1"1" "QSM_DISABLE_DISTRIBUTE_COMPONENT"\1"1" "TMPDIR"\1"/var/tmp" [AUTO-PURGE] PurgeEnabled=1 DaysOld=3 PrevRuns=0 $>

$> mettleci dsparams diff \ -before ./DSParams_new -after ./DSParams_new -diff ./DSParams_diff MettleCI Command Line (build ${buildNumber}) (C) 2018-2020 Data Migrators Pty Ltd Identfying differences in ./DSParams_new (-after) compared to ./DSParams_new (-before): Identification complete. No differences identified. %>


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