Parallel Job Naming
There are two principles that S2PX adopts when naming Parallel Jobs:
We want to generate Parallel Jobs with names that help us identify the Server Jobs from which they were derived, and
We want to permit generated Parallel Jobs to be loaded into the same project from which the source Server Jobs were exported, to permit the easy side-by-side comparison of their outputs.
To serve the first principle the generated Parallel job is named identically to the Server Job from which it was derived but this approach introduces two challenges:
We need a solution for when a Server Job is decomposed into multiple Parallel components (i.e. how do we easily associate all of those decomposed Parallel components with their ancestor Server Job?), and
We will get naming conflicts where a generated DSX file contains Server and Parallel jobs with the same names, preventing those jobs from co-residing in the same DataStage Project.
Here’s how S2PX addresses each of these concerns:
Job Decomposition Component Naming
Server Jobs can often be decomposed into one or more Parallel Jobs, in which case an overarching Job Sequence is also generated to orchestrate the correct execution of these Parallel Jobs. Read more about that process here. In these cases S2PX needs to use a logical naming scheme which helps developers associate the newly generated Parallel artefacts with the Server Job from which they were derived. To do this S2PX takes the following approach:
A top-level Job Sequence is created which is named after the original Server Job
The underlying Parallel Jobs are also named after the original Server Job but with an appended suffix of the form
, wheren
is an ascending integer starting at 1.
For example:
Server Job Name | Generated Assets | Description | Example |
| Job Sequence: | Top-level Job sequence | |
Parallel Job: Parallel Job: Parallel Job: | Component Parallel Jobs |
Enabling Server and Parallel Jobs Co-residence
To support the co-residence of generated Parallel Jobs with their Server ancestors either the original Server Job or its Parallel derivate will have a suffix appended to the Job name. This option is specified in the transfer section of the S2PX config file. The section allows you to specify how the S2PX conversion process names handles the potential conflict between Server assets and their Parallel equivalents. The decision on whether to rename Server Jobs or not will have implications for your Job scheduling/orchestration mechanisms. Valid options are:
Transfer Strategy |
Suffix |
Original Server Job |
S2PX Output Server Job |
S2PX Output Parallel Job |
S2PX Hashed File Migration Output Server Job |
Notes | Rename Server Job with a suffix and reuse its original name for the new Parallel Job. Existing job orchestration/scheduling mechanisms(DataStager Job Sequences, Control-M schedules, Shell scripts, etc.) will now work with the new Parallel Jobs. | Retain Server Job’s original name and use its name with a suffix for the new Parallel Job. Existing job orchestration/scheduling mechanisms(DataStager Job Sequences, Control-M schedules, Shell scripts, etc.) will continue to work with the existing Server Jobs as normal. |
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