Stage Decomposition

Stage Decomposition

Inputs and Outputs

Some Server stages support multiple input and output links while their Parallel equivalent stages do not. In these cases S2PX will restructure those designs. This restructure may requires the generation of new stages and/or links for which S2PX will generate new names. The naming standards used as as follows:

Stage Naming: The table below describes the ‘generic’ naming approach which may change from Stage type to Stage type.

Link Naming: In all cases the generated Parallel stage links use the same name as the original Server stage link.


Server Design

Generated Parallel Equivalent

Stage Names


Server Design

Generated Parallel Equivalent

Stage Names

Single Read

Stage with a single output link

The generated Parallel stage uses the same name as the original Server stage.

Duplicate Read

Stage with multiple output links


The generated Parallel stages will be named using the format:

OriginalStageName_n where ‘n’ is an incrementing integer starting at 1.


Single Write

Stage with a single input link

The generated Parallel stage uses the same name as the original Server stage

Duplicate Write

Stage with multiple input links


The generated Parallel stages will be named using the format:

OriginalStageName_n where ‘n’ is an incrementing integer starting at 1.


Stages to Containers

Where a Server Stage is rendered as multiple Parallel Stages then the Server Stage will be rendered as a Local Container with the aim of keeping the appearance of generated Parallel canvas as close to that of the original Server job as possible.




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