Conversion Logging
S2PX logs two types of information, each in its own file:
Error Logging: A CSV file which details problems encountered by S2PX during the conversion process, and
Operational Logging: A text file detailing the assets discovered in your supplied file(s) and the conversion operations undertaken by S2PX.
Error Log
If the conversion encounters issues within a job relevant information will be recorded in a log file whose name is based on the specified output .dsx
file. In this example the process of generating output file Project_Converted.dsx
is logged in the file Project_Converted_logfile.csv
Error Code,Job Name,Stage Type,Error Message,Other
CUSTOM_ROUTINE_NOT_FOUND,ALT_OkavoKUBA_DB_4KB_PRPx,CTransformerStage,Cannot find custom routine 'OkavoSachverhalt' inside of stage 'Konvert_Datum' in job 'ALT_OkavoKUBA_DB_4KB_PRPx',OkavoSachverhalt
CUSTOM_ROUTINE_NOT_FOUND,ArchivierungAblaufMailPx,CTransformerStage,Cannot find custom routine 'DSSendMailTester' inside of stage 'Transformer_14' in job 'ArchivierungAblaufMailPx',DSSendMailTester
CUSTOM_ROUTINE_NOT_FOUND,ArchivierungDokuInDBPx,CTransformerStage,Cannot find custom routine 'Dirname' inside of stage 'Transformer' in job 'ArchivierungDokuInDBPx',Dirname
CUSTOM_ROUTINE_NOT_FOUND,ArchivierungDokuInDBPx,CTransformerStage,Cannot find custom routine 'DateinameAusPfad' inside of stage 'Transformer' in job 'ArchivierungDokuInDBPx',DateinameAusPfad
CUSTOM_ROUTINE_NOT_FOUND,Buchungsperiod_UserStatusPx,CTransformerStage,Cannot find custom routine 'SetUserStatus' inside of stage 'XFM_UserStatus' in job 'Buchungsperiod_UserStatusPx',SetUserStatus
The file contents list the following information:
Column | Description |
Error Code: | A reference to the type of error encountered |
Job Name | The name of the Job which caused the error |
Stage Type | The type of Stage which caused the error |
Error Message | An English text description of the error including relevant asset references where appropriate. |
Other | An error-specific field used for extra diagnostic information. |
All error codes are explained on the S2PX Error Reference page.
Operation Log
The process or conversion is recorded in a log file called /log/stdout.log
- relative to the user’s current directory. Logging will…
Create the
directory andstdout.log
file if they don't already existAppend to the
file, so multiples2px convert
invocations will create an ever-growing log file.
For example:
$> ls -lrt ./log
ls: ./log: No such file or directory
$> ./mettleci s2px convert \
-source-dsx MyProject.dsx \
-target-dsx MyProjectConverted.dsx \
-config MyProject.yaml
MettleCI Command Line (build 133)
(C) 2018-2022 Data Migrators Pty Ltd
Loading configuration
Preprocessing 'MyProject.dsx'
Converting shared containers
Converting jobs
Decomposing ZVertissPKVTeil2Ab201909_wegwerfenPx_migration
Translating ZVertissPKVTeil2Ab201909_wegwerfenPx_migrationPxP01
Generating C headers and template functions
$> ls -lrt log
total 264
-rw-rw-r--@ 1 johnmckeever staff 104559 12 Jul 17:33 stdout.log # 104 KB
$> ./mettleci s2px convert \
-source-dsx MyOtherProject.dsx \
-target-dsx MyOtherProject.dsx \
-config MyOtherProject.yaml
MettleCI Command Line (build 133)
(C) 2018-2022 Data Migrators Pty Ltd
Loading configuration
Preprocessing 'MyOtherProject.dsx'
Converting shared containers
Converting jobs
Decomposing ALT_OkavoKUBA_DB_4KB_PRPx_migration
Translating ALT_OkavoKUBA_DB_4KB_PRPx_migration
Decomposing Zeit_Lauftest
Translating Zeit_Lauftest
Decomposing Z24_HCK_SAS_Tabellen_aufbereiten
Translating Z24_HCK_SAS_Tabellen_aufbereiten
$> ls -lrt log
total 520
-rw-rw-r--@ 1 johnmckeever staff 209118 12 Jul 17:38 stdout.log # 209 KB
$> # You can see above that file ./log/stdout.log was created and appended
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