What file permissions are unit testing files created with?

What file permissions are unit testing files created with?

Unit test artefacts can be create by two MettleCI components:

  • Files that are created by the MettleCI Unit Test Harness (i.e. unit test reports and unit test data files) are created with same permissions as any other DataStage-generated artefact such as a sequential file or data set. This is usually 002.

  • Unit test files that are created by Workbench will be created with the umask defined in the shell script that starts the Workbench process (start-mettleci.sh). This is set to a default of 006

The umask set in Workbench gives read/write access to the owner (the user set to run the Workbench process) and any member of the DataStage group (usually dstage). Any other users have no read/write access. The usual DataStage umask provides read access to all users.

It is important that members of the dstage group have read/write permissions so that those users are able to successfully run DataStage jobs in test or interception mode.

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