How does MettleCI Workbench integrate with Git?

How does MettleCI Workbench integrate with Git?

Note that this page refers to MettleCI’s integration with a Git repository into which you intend to commit DataStage and DataStage-related artefacts. MettleCI also integrates with Git repositories holding Compliance Rules and End-to-End test scripts which are outside the scope of this page.


The MettleCI Workbench talks directly to any variant of Git using an SSH key pair. You can either use a key pair you supply or use the key pair generated during the MettleCI Workbench installation.

An SSH key pair is generated and installed into your MettleCI installation during Workbench installation. The MettleCI installer will produce files workbench.key.pub (a public SSH key) and workbench.key (its private equivalent) under your MettleCI home directory (typically /opt/dm/mci on Unix-based systems).

Private Key

The auto-generated private key is automatically referenced in your MettleCI installation’s config.yml file, along with your private key’s passphrase which is empty by default:

mettleHome: /opt/dm/mci environment: ... issueManagement: ... datastage: ... # private key with optional passpharse, remote git access needs to be granted using public key gitAuthentication: sshKey: /opt/dm/mci/workbench.key sshPassphrase: server: ... logging: ...

To use your own key, simply store your private key somewhere in the filesystem that is accessible to the MettleCI Workbench installation and reference it in the appropriate section of your installation’s config.yml file, as shown above. Ensure that your private SSH key has the appropriate permissions set.

Typical SSH Permissions

public key (workbench.key.pub): 644 (-rw-r--r--)
private key (workbench.key): 600 (-rw-------)

Public Key

The public key is installed in your Git platform of choice. The following links provide instructions on how to register your private SSH key with various Git platforms:


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