Can MettleCI prevent the promotion of CopyOf* jobs?
The job compliance library that ships with MettleCI includes a rule explicitly designed to identify potentially redundant jobs. This rule also looks for other naming indicators for jobs which may not be intended for production use. The rule looks for user-configured naming signature that indicates a job is not intended for production use, such as 'CopyOf', 'WIP', 'Temp', and sequences of numbers that look like timestamps. MettleCI's Compliance library ships with a default Blocklist used to identify these patterns.
Neither the Report Card nor the MettleCI Workbench 'separate' jobs from your project. However, utilising the Job Naming Compliance rule in your build pipeline (e.g. in your Continuous Integration plan) as a mandatory check will prohibit jobs with names like this from making their way into your code's Master branch in Git.
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